Friday, August 29, 2008


Well he did it!  Finally after a year and a half Lance now has his MBA!  We never thought the time would actually come that he wouldn't have class or homework to do as it was almost every day of the week, but finally he is finished FOREVER! (that is if I have it my way) The girls were so excited and made this poster for him and we decorated his car.  Small and simple, but he was excited and so were the girls. Congratulations sweetheart YOU DID IT!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ever have one of those friends that just goes overboard?  Well that’s my friend Katie.  You sneeze and she is on your doorstep with dinner, or having a bad day and she pulls up with a surprise.  

Well I did a favor for her and made her PROMISE not to do anything in return after all that’s what friends are for, and this shows up at my door today.  Thank you Katie but your in BIG trouble! 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

All Ready!

This morning I woke up to this subtle, "pssst, Mommy I'm all ready for school."  So I wake up to find my 3 year old had dressed herself and gotten ready for preschool.  Acknowledging her great job I comment on her cute dress, shoes (awkwardly on the wrong feet), and her two very bright headbands, oh and of course her necklace.  She informed me she was making her own breakfast of fruit snacks and blue juice (blue gatorade) but if I wanted to get her some cereal or something that would be ok too.  Being supportive she did go to preschool today just as she is in the picture.  She so proudly marched up to the door with a final "thank you your majesty" and a curtsey.   Such precious moments in time!